Notice of Upcoming “Chinese Film Show” Events at the Confucius Classroom at the Private Educational Institutionin Late December

[Source]    Confucius Classroom at the Private Educational Institution [Time]    2010-12-01 16:31:26 

Poster for the film:The Road Home

The Confucius Classroom at the Private Educational Institution plans to host a Chinese film showing in late December 2010 as the Russian “Chinese Year” draws to a conclusion; its aim, that of helping local Chinese language enthusiasts who have an interest in experiencing Chinese films and those who will take pleasure in learning Chinese.

“The Road Home” has been selected for the film screening. The film deals with the theme of simple and pure love, and is a Chinese-style film about love and the family.

A Chinese speech contest, in which impressions of the film will be expressed, will take place following the show.